Sunday 19 February 2012

Reverse Crunches-Bicycle Crunches-P90x

Night workout

Started maybe around 10pm. Some of these exercises are kind of hard to explain but here they are.Jump rope for 2 minutes20 dumbbell raises in plank40 bicycle crunchesrest (changed into lighter clothes)20 weight lifts- Arms down, center, above head, repeat.20 boat pose twists with weight10 boat pose weight pass in between legs20 squats with weights in hands20 reverse crunches20 concentration curls (but on knees rather than sitting)20 dumbbell side bend each side10 lunges each side20 leg raised (on chair) crunches25 in and outs (p90x)30 bicycles (p90x)30 wide leg sit ups (p90x)30 second chair (against wall)40 leg open close (lay flat with hands under butt, lift legs, open close)Then I started doing a little bit of yoga and stopped. I’m starving so I’m going to eat and maybe shower if I’m not too lazy. I already showered but it’s cold and warm showers are nice. I need to start working out more at home, here’s some stuff I’m going to try and work into a routine, I’ll probably add more later because that definitely didn’t feel like enough to me. read more..

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