Saturday, 21 January 2012

Quantity And Quality-College Degree-Mental Fitness-Decade

The key to health and happiness is associated with the quantity and quality of f...

The key to health and happiness is associated with the quantity and quality of food we consume... Quality - consists in not eating foods or drinking liquids harmful to stomach. Quantity - consists in not eating more than the stomach can easily digest. read more..

This just in: A college degree can slow your brain's aging process by up to a de...

This just in: A college degree can slow your brain's aging process by up to a decade. Wow!Boosting Mental Fitness in Middle Agewell.blogs.nytimes.comFor those in midlife and beyond, a college degree appears to slow the brain's aging process by up to a decade, adding a new twist to the cost-benefit analysis of higher education. read more..

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